Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Greenwell Point & Sydney

Aidan with his catch, down near Greenwell Point Wharf

We had a great couple of days Greenwell Point, near Nowra at Uncle John's house. It was great to see Uncle John again. We went fishing a few times but the tides were running too fast which made it difficult but despite the less than perfect conditions, Aidan still managed to bring in some Flathead and Bream for us to have a nice feed.

We then headed up to Sydney for a week so that we could catch up with family, see our new cousin baby Lucas and so that Mum could get a whole lot of work done and go to a meeting.
While Mum was busy working Aidan and Dad went out fishing one day had an "AWESOME" day out there on Pittwater. They got onto a school of salmon, and spent about 1.5hours throwing lures into the school and pulling them in - they put up a great fight each time! After that they caught some more bait (squid and yellow tail) and then went for some Kingfish. They hooked two and Aidan landed one.

Aidan says it is the best fun ever he has had fishing, and that says a lot compared to Bemm River in VIC.  They both particularly liked the view they got when they arrived back at the boat ramp......we won't give any more details at this stage!
Aidan with one of his Salmon near Barrenjoey Head Land (Lion Island behind)

Aidan's Kingfish in Pittwater

Cody joined them for a day out on the boat as well, not quite as successful day with the fish though. The rest of the time was spent at the beach, surfing, and at the local pool.

Gran, Grandpa and Aunty Pats also took the boys for a cultural day at the Art Museum where they saw the terracotta warriors from the tomb of the first Chinese Emperor - these are the greatest archaeological discoveries of the 20th century. Aidan and Cody said they were pretty cool! Following this they enjoyed a lunch down at Circular Quay.

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